Fields, Facilities & Special Event Request Forms
Procedure to use any and all fields in the Borough of Hillsdale
1. Fill out the appropriate field request form (in detail), send in via email or drop off at the Borough Hall between 8am-4pm, Monday - Friday.
2. All forms for field use must be approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Meetings are the 1st Thursday of each month.
3. If your permit is submitted after that date then approval is the next month. All permits must be received 2 weeks prior to event/rental date.
4. You must give us your request form, insurance certificate, hold harmless and Covid forms and your check made out to Hillsdale Recreation for each of your events (Beechwood Park fees are listed on the application; Field use fees for sports are online under ordinances) All sports teams must provide a list of Coaches who must be compliant.
5. Insurance must have the Borough of Hillsdale, 380 Hillsdale Avenue, Hillsdale, NJ 07642 listed as the Certificate Holder and additionally insured for 1 million dollars in the description section with your event, dates and times listed..
6. If a sports rental, once your permit is approved by P&R then the "sports association" must schedule your dates.
6A. If a Beechwood Park rental, your permit must be approved by P&R.
7. You will then be notified of your approval or denial.
Any questions on rentals please email or