Introduction Date | Adoption Hearing Date | Ordinance # | Description |
4.5.2022 | 22-01 | An Ordinance Establishing Recreation Department Program and Summer Camp Fees in the Borough of Hillsdale | |
4.5.2022 | 22-02 | An Ordinance Establishing Salaries for the Recreation Department | |
3.1.2022 | 22-03 | An Ordinance Establishing Salary Ranges for the Staff of the Hillsdale Swimming Pool in the Borough of Hillsdale, County of Bergen, State of New Jersey | |
3.1.2022 | 22-04 | An Ordinance to Amend and Supplement Ordinance 09-01 Chapter 138 "Fees" and Chapter 71 Swimming Pool Commission | |
Replaced with 22-07 | 22-05 | An Ordinance of the Borough of Hillsdale Amending and Supplementing Chapter 310 "Land Use" of the code to permit Temporary Pop-Up Drive- in Theaters as a Conditional use within the R-1 Residential District and Establish Criteria Applicable thereto ( Replaced with ordinance 22-07) | |
5.3.2022 | 22-06 | An Ordinance to Exceed the Municipal Budget Appropriation Limits and to Establish a Cap Bank (N.J.S.A. 40A:4-45.14) for Calendar Year 2022 in the Borough of Hillsdale | |
5.10.2022 | 22-07 | (This ordinance is taking place of Ordinance 22-05 that was introduced on 3/8/2022) An Ordinance of the Borough of Hillsdale to Permit Temporary Pop-Up Drive-In Theaters by License | |
6.14.22 | 22-08 | Ordinance of the Borough of Hillsdale, County of Bergen, New Jersey Adopting an Amendment to the Hillsdale-Patterson Street Redevelopment Plan PULLED | |
6.14.2022 | 22-09 | An Ordinance Establishing Salary Ranges for the Staff of the Hillsdale Swimming Pool Commission in the Borough of Hillsdale, county of Bergen, State of New Jersey (To update Ordinance 22-03 – Lifeguard & Gate Min/Max Rate under 1 & 2 updated only) | |
6.14.2022 | 22-10 | An Ordinance to Provide for and Determine the Maximum Rate, Amount and Method of Payment of Compensation to Persons Holding Certain Office and Positions of Employment in the Borough of Hillsdale, State of New Jersey | |
8.9.2022 | 22-11 | Ordinance of the Borough of Hillsdale, County of Bergen, New Jersey Adopting an Amendment to the Hillsdale-Patterson Street Redevelopment Plan | |
8.9.2022 | 22-12 | Capital Ordinance of the Borough of Hillsdale, in the County of Bergen, New Jersey Authorizing Various Public Improvements and Acquisitions in, by and for the Borough, Appropriating Therefor the Sum of $952,250 and Providing that Such Sum So Appropriated Shall be Raised from the Borough’s Capital Improvement Fund | |
8.9.2022 | 22-13 | Ordinance of the Borough of Hillsdale, County of Bergen, New Jersey approving an Application for a Long-Term Tax Exemption and Authorizing the Execution of a Financial Agreement Related to the Redevelopment of Block 1210 Lots 10-11 and Block 1211, Lots 1-2 on the Tax Maps of the Borough | |
8.9.2022 | 22-14 | Bond Ordinance to Authorize the Making of a Public Improvement and the Acquisition of New Additional or Replacement Equipment and Machinery in, by and for the Borough of Hillsdale, in the County of Bergen, State of New Jersey, to Appropriate the Sum of $125,000 to Pay the Cost Thereof, To Make a Down Payment, To Authorize the Issuance of Bonds to Finance Such Appropriation and to Provide for the Issuance of Bond Anticipation Notes in Anticipation of the Issuance of Such Bonds | |
9.13.2022 | 22-15 |
An Ordinance Establishing Salary Ranges for the Staff of the Hillsdale Swimming Pool Commission in the Borough of Hillsdale, county of Bergen, State of New Jersey (To update Ordinance 22-09- Guppy Camp Stipend updated only) |
10.25.2022 | 22-16 |
An Ordinance Amending and Supplementing Chapter 63 of the Code of the Borough of Hillsdale, County of Bergen, State of New Jersey, In Order to Revise the Table of Organization of the Police Department |
10.25.2022 | 22-17 |
Bond Ordinance to Authorize the Reconstruction of Shady Side Lane, Alpine Terrace and Sierra Court in, by and for the Borough of Hillsdale, in the County of Bergen, State of New Jersey, to Appropriate the sum of $290,000 to Pay the Cost Thereof, to Authorize the Issuance of Bonds to Finance Such Appropriation and to Provide for the Issuance of Bond Anticipation Notes in Anticipation of the Issuance of Such Bonds |
11.10.2022 | 22-18 |
An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 154: Flood Hazard Areas of the Revised General Ordinances of the Borough of Hillsdale to Provide That the Borough Engineer is the Administrator Under Said Ordinance 154 |
11.10.2022 | 22-19 | Ordinance of the Borough of Hillsdale to Establish a Registry for Business Insurance Certificates | |
12.6.2022 | 22-20 | An Ordinance of the Borough of Hillsdale, County of Bergen, State of New Jersey, To Amend Chapter 138 of the Borough Code Entitled "fees" Pertaining to Participating in a Registry for Business Insurance Certificates |