Do Not Knock Registration


The Borough of Hillsdale has adopted Ordinance 16-13 that allows a Do Not Knock List for our residents in regards to solicitors.

As a Borough resident, you have an option to be placed on our Do Not Knock List.  Your address will be added to a list of addresses that will be given to all licensed solicitors in the Borough

Please click here to view Ordinance 16-13 in its entirety.

To be placed on the Do Not Knock List, please fill out the form below.


 An asterisk (*) below denotes a required field.
I understand by checking this box, my address will be added to the Do Not Knock List that will be distributed to all licensed solicitors in the Borough. *
If a licensed solicitor knocks on my door, I understand it is my responsibility to contact the Hillsdale Police to report the solicitor. *

* - denotes required field